1. Healing with Horses, Soul and Nature – the fundamentals
A one-year program with horses created to teach you how to heal individual clients with Horses, Soul, and Nature. You will receive in-depth guidance tailored to you and the horses you will work with, consisting of 10 Training Days, including 2 days at your location, interspersed with online reflection calls and implementation in your own practice with your horse(s). For international students this in person private education program is organised in 3 large blocks interspersed with online reflection calls.
There is also an opportunity for feedback (inter-vision) after a period of 4-6 months.
2. Healing with Horses, Soul and Nature – advanced
Deepening and expansion of The Fundamentals year program, for students who want to delve into relationships and potentially work with couples and who wish to expand their relationship healing energy practice with horses, aiming to maximize their potential.
This year-long program includes an option for inter-vision
Concrete details will be provided upon completion of The Fundamentals.
✦ Would you like to collaborate with horses in a new way: more beautiful, gentle, yet powerful and connected
✧ Create deeply healing, energetic and insightful experiences for people in harmony with nature and Mother Earth.
✦ Gain deeper insights into horses, their energy, well-being, and the source of their strength.
✧ Intuitively advance along the path of the Medicine Horse
Unleash your potential, heal, and evolve into a Pure Channel of Healing for others, in deep collaboration and harmony with your horses
✧ 10 TRAINING DAYS LIVE with Horses
✦ Q&A, Online Reflection Calls between 2 Training Days
✧ WORKBOOK with THEORY, ASSIGNMENTS & EXERCISES to practice in a home environment & with other horses
✧ The opportunity to ASSIST in a Healing session with Horses, Soul, and Nature (1:1 with reflection)
✦ READING and connection with your own horse(s) with whom you will work during and after the training
✧ Individual, In-depth Customized Guidance for you and your horse(s) at YOUR LOCATION
✦ "The Healing Field and The Essence Horse: Guide, Healer, Storyteller, Herd Animal" (Deep Listening, Conscious Communication & Observation)
✧ "You as a Listener and Pure Channel for Healing and Wisdom" (Intuitive Development, Vibration, Resonance, Healing and Pure Alignment with Soul)
✦ "Healing Hands 'Reiki' with Horses" (Energetic Healing Work for People in collaboration with Horses. Training & Observation)
✧ "Earth Medicine Teachings" (Shamanic traveling, connecting and collaborating with the Medicine of Mother Earth)
✦ Transformative Constellation Work and Healing with Horses, Soul, and Nature for your potential growth
✧ "Weaving into Your Own Practice" (Implementation, application, and uniqueness with your own herd/horse)
Depending on the person, the soul's path, intention, and horses, a module can be further developed.
Healing with Horses, Soul, and Nature
A healing collaboration between human, soul and horse
The approach and vision of Threehorseshealing is based on a collaboration between human, soul and horse. A partnership in which horses are SEEN as powerful, sentient and CONSCIOUS beings and CHOOSE in freedom to step into the energetic and insightful healing process as WORTHY PARTNERS. When horses act as conscious and intentional healers, we walk the path of the Medicine Horse.
By becoming aware of the LANGUAGE that HORSES speak with their BODY, but also with their ENERGY, it becomes visible how and when horses contribute to a healing.
Moreover, by consciously recognizing the energy and its EXCHANGE between ourselves, the client/the other, and the horses, we can collaborate purposefully with horses.
We also read the human being in the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual layers of the ENERGETIC BODY in order to identify where trauma and blockages are stored within the body. This allows us to determine the effect of the healing.
You will learn all this through a nature, horse and soul inspired experiential training.
The Natural World
We work with Mother Earth, the energies of nature, and other guides to give people the opportunity to establish a deeper connection with their natural loving self. This foundation that we provide allows a client to move from the head to the HEART and open up to the LIFE ENERGY which is present in everything and everywhere. Our way of working breathes elements from shamanism, which you can choose to study more deeply through experience and implementation.
Walking a path together, towards more self-love
As a guide, according to our way of working, you accompany the other on a path that unfolds IN THE MOMENT, during a Healing session with Horses, Soul and Nature. This requires a strong foundation to be able to read all the information made available and then work with it.
IIn this regard, we teach you not so much a method, but a way of BEING. Where you develop your spiritual awareness and skills together to guide others from a strong anchor in a safe and loving way to themselves; to self-love.
Guidance stemming from connection
We start from CONSCIOUS COMMUNICATION and DEEP LISTENING in our connection with horses and the connection with ourselves. From there, we establish that same connection with the client, the other. This paves the way for them.
In this process of connecting with Self, the horses show keys that give the other INSIGHT into their situation, into the wounds and patterns at play in their life and relationships. They also show a path of LOVE that the other can follow, sometimes through an invitation to follow, sometimes by prompting the client to choose a different path.
In addition, the horses HEAL the client energetically in the aura layers and chakras, in THE HEALING FIELD, together with us.
During this insightful and healing process, we give the client the freedom to continue and follow the path shown by the horses, to stop, or even to choose a different path. Nevertheless, we do provide the client with an AWARENESS of what is shown by the horses during the session.
The freedom to be able to follow your path and make choices is EMPOWERING. And that unconditional love and belief in the other, that when they are ready for it, that they will make a choice that serves their inner self, is crucial.
All the healing work that we do at Threehorseshealing is done in freedom and alongside the horses, on the ground, in and with nature.
It is remarkable and magical to see when a particular horse steps forward from the herd to help a client heal.
I find it incredibly beautiful that I can share our way of working, this magic, the sacredness that lies in this work, with those who feel this call from within and are asked to follow this path together with horses.
Education program to become a Healer with Horses, Soul, and Nature
This program is an evolutionary process that comes from soul: thanks to the Healing sessions with Horses, Soul, and Nature, soul can penetrate deeper, and your energetic field can hold a higher vibration. Your channel for healing energy becomes larger, purer, and more powerful. You will learn fundamental skills needed to guide a Healing session with Horses, Soul, and Nature and to energetically, healingwise, and insightfully collaborate with horses, soul, and nature.Towards the end of the training, you will be guided towards a customized implementation, tailored to you and the horse(s) you work with, aligning your soul’s intention on this path together.
Do you recognize yourself?
✦ You are sensitive and would like to attune even more to the subtle and natural world and the inner world of horses.
✧ You feel that horses are conscious, sentient beings, who can be magical partners in healing, and you want to provide them with the space and opportunity to do so.
✦ You are in touch and have some experience with energetic healing practices and want to interweave the wisdom of horses into your awareness, work, and life, and collaborate with horses in a deep connection and exchange.
✧ You want to do sacred, healing work in and with the guidance, power, and wisdom of nature.
✦ You want to guide others on their path and remind them of who they truly are. You want to pave the way for them to embody their natural, untamed, free, loving being in their lives.
✧ You want to learn and grow on your own path of awareness, together with your horse(s).
Healing with Horses, Soul, and Nature Year Training
An experiential training consisting of an in-depth period of personal growth and a leap in consciousness, involving the exploration, experience, and training of the fundamental elements of Healing with Horses, Soul, and Nature, under the guidance of Helena Sidiropoulos, her three Horses and Soul.
Threehorseshealing Practioner "Fundamental Healer with Horses, Soul and Nature"
Investment of €4999,- or with an initial payment of €1999,- and 7 installments of €496,-
(All amounts mentioned are excl 21% VAT for businesses)
*Training days on location are included within a radius of 80km around Broechem, Antwerp. If your location is further away, an online alternative, a training day at an alternative location, or travel and accommodation costs can be an option.
After you have submitted this form, Helena will contact you to schedule a personal video call. During this conversation, you will have the opportunity to ask questions about the training. It will also be discussed which horses you can work with in your network and what background you have in terms of energetic work, etc. This training is not for everyone, so your application may be rejected. After payment of the registration fee (the first installment or the full amount), your spot is secured. Payment must be completed before the start of the training (date by appointment). If you choose a payment plan (+10%), the first payment must be made in combination with a signed payment plan.
For this education program, it is recommended to have your own horse(s) and a basic understanding of the natural behavior of horses, as your horse(s) will be your guides and the call for this evolution also comes from them. In exceptional cases, you can apply if you do not have a horse but still strongly feel this call and can take care of horses in your environment throughout the entire education program. This care requires dedication but also provides the opportunity to connect and learn from horses in a different way. Horses also have their own unique energy, a distinct signature that is very different from other animal species. Therefore, to grow through this path, a herd or a single horse that is willing to support you is essential.
What you can receive with the education program Healing with Horses, Soul, and Nature – The Fundamentals
✧ Threehorseshealing Practioner “Fundamental or Advanced Healer with Horses, Soul and Nature” CERTIFICATE at the end of the training. The condition is participation in all training days, calls, and submission of all requested assignments. (If the training takes place in a group and you are absent, you will have the opportunity to make up the day in an additional private session of 3 hours.)
✦ INDIVIDUAL GUIDANCE in a small group or private training
✧ A CUSTOMIZED TRAINING attuned to your path, your soul, and fulfillment and that of your horses. We look at your intention to follow this training and your experience with horses, coaching, and energy work. And guide you towards implementing this healing practice in alignment with you and your horse(s).
✦ A WORKBOOK as a guide and journal of your evolution and path with your horse(s).
✧ An INITIATION into special, sacred, healing work.
✦ TIME to grow and integrate knowledge and FREEDOM to choose your own learning pace in an individual program
✧ CONNECTING with HORSES in a beautiful, profound way, in and with NATURE. All training days take place in a pasture in Wommelgem and Oelegem (province of Antwerp, Belgium) regardless of the weather, to experience the elements, nature in all its totality, and what it can bring to a client in a Healing session with Horses, Soul, and Nature
✦ An IMMERSION in a bath of experience, knowledge, healing, and wisdom transmitted directly through the horses and soul to be able to work with them in a special way and to heal and grow oneself, so that you can carry a higher vibration and become a greater channel for healing energy, under the guidance of Helena and her herd.
What other people say about Helena and her three horses
De sessies bij Helena zijn van een diepe kracht die ik nooit eerder heb ervaren. Het is letterlijk een andere wereld die je betreedt, nl. de wereld van het onzichtbare en ze begeleidt je hierin zodat je met alle kracht dit pad kan bewandelen. Actieve Inzichten wisselen zich af met diepe meditaties begeleid door haar drums en de paarden als gids. Elke keer voel ik me thuiskomen, meer in balans en losgemaakt van het oude. Het is meer dan een sessie, dit is een transcendente reis naar je hogere zelf omringt door haar paarden in de natuur.
Catherine Specht
Diving deep into the core of mother earth and into myself softly guided by helena and her horses. encountering mysteries I don‘t understand, but that I know will unfold once I surrender to the not-wanting-to-solve. And still I came out of this experience with a sense of clarity and understanding that helped and healed me on my search for alignment. Trying to tend to these two apparent opponents, clarity and mystery, is like a gift that keeps on giving.
Rosa Schützendorf
Hartelijk dank voor de ‘beestige’ reis waarop je mij gisteren begeleidde, lieve Helena. Krachtig wat jij doet, samen met je paarden – en zo mooi hoe ze vanzelf in een kring rond ons kwamen staan tijdens het meest intense deel van onze sessie. Ik voel me weer helemaal in lijn met boven én beneden. En ik weet me omringd. Ik arriveerde als een donderwolk – in de regen🌩⛈ en vertrok met een licht hart – terwijl de zon doorbrak. 🌤🙏🐎
Kim Vandebergh
Een spiegel, ontwapenend, zacht en hard tegelijk. Wat een ervaring, pure eerlijkheid, blind vertrouwen en vergeving mogen voelen. Helena en haar paarden maken zo’n mooie dingen bij je los. Je ziet, voelt en omarmt jezelf dankzij deze magische wezens… Dankbaarheid dankbaarheid nogmaals dankbaarheid
Tahnee Van Steenbrugge
Hoe meer moeite ik deed om dichter bij haar te komen hoe meer afstand we leken te krijgen. Ik vertelde veel over haar tegen Helena. En vooral over haar reactie tegenover mij. Ze keerde haar poep naar me in stal, vond het niet fijn als we reden, ik kon haar niet uit de wei halen, ze was bitchy naar me in alles wat we deden… Er kwamen dierenartsen, fysiotherapeuten,… langs en niemand kon dit gedrag verklaren. Maar toen kwam Helena langs en ging met haar aan de slag. We gingen in de wei op de grond zitten. Een moment dat ik niet zal vergeten. Even later stond ze bij ons en ging ze mee naar haar stalletje. Even later had ik een paard dat naar mij kwam. Iets wat dag en nacht verschil was met al die tijd daarvoor. De dagen erna ervaarde ik een heel ander paard. We groeiden dichter naar elkaar toe en gingen terug positief aan de slag. Ik zou iedereen Helena aanraden. Zodat zij ook dit fijne gevoel kunnen ervaren. Iets dat ik iedere paardeneigenaar toewens een goede band tussen paard en mens.
Eline De Groof (België) / Foto door Laurence Verheijen
Ons katje heeft een heel lange tijd in het asiel gezeten aangezien hij binnen/naast zijn kattenbak plaste en dus al door 4 gezinnen telkens terug werd gebracht. Toen wij hem adopteerde wisten we waaraan we ons konden verwachten maar hadden we de situatie ook wel een beetje fout ingeschat, waardoor er thuis wat onrust was als we hem binnen lieten, met de angst voor mijn mama haar nieuwe zetels ;). Gelukkig herinnerde ik mij toen Helena. Ik was al eens op een healing geweest bij haar en haar paarden en ze vertelde me toen dat ze vroeger ook wel eens readings gaf aan huis. Ik heb haar toen een mailtje gestuurd met de vraag of ze misschien wist wat er aan de hand was. Geloof het of niet maar vandaag ligt Beertje bij ons in de living en heeft hij sindsdien niet meer binnen geplast. Hij is daarnaast ook veel rustiger geworden dan voordien. Het lijkt alsof hij op zijn gemak is bij ons en nu weet dat dit zijn forever home is, wat volgens Helena heel erg meespeelde aangezien hij zo veel verhuisd is geweest in zijn leventje. ‘t Is een echte knuffelbeer en hij wordt met de dag aanhankelijker. We don’t know what Helena does, but call it magic 🪄! We zijn haar zo dankbaar! (& Beertje denk ik ook) 🤍
Pia Dierick (België)
I will always hold so much gratitude for Helena. Her wisdom enabled me to connect deeply with my mare, Flame. We were going through an incredibly rough patch after losing her mother and I was struggling to connect with her. Helena was able to connect to Flame and give her a voice. She then followed up with some advice and actions to take moving forward. We now have a strong relationship with clear and thoughtful communication.
Denise Graham (New Zealand)
Hello, I am Helena and I collaborate with my three horses. Together, we provide people with the opportunity to connect with their natural, loving Self, their inner wisdom, and guidance. Self-love and love. This education program is designed to help others, who share a similar passion for this healing practice and have a love for horses and people, to evolve in their collaboration with horses.
I grew up with healing from a young age, with a mother who also heals past lives. Thanks to my three horses, I have been initiated into the world of horses, their language, their energy, and wisdom. Initially, I started out with energy readings and healings for various horses. Shortly after, I followed a training in groundwork according to the method of Klaus Ferdinand Hempfling.
Through an internship in a more traditional form of equine therapy for children with, performance anxiety, ASS, ADHD,… and adults with disabilities, I witnessed the magic and healing that horses could bring to the hearts of children. With a deep awareness of the impact that humans can have on these beautiful animals, I also saw the power of horses at the same time.
When I felt the invitation to start this healing work with my three horses, everything came together. And now it’s time to pass on this sacred work 🤍