Do you long for a deep connection with the natural world and the loving wisdom of your soul, and are you curious about how my horses and I can open portals within you to greater consciousness and love?
Or do you feel stuck in old patterns that are holding you back from fully blooming? And do you feel you want to release these blocks and liberate yourself now, supported by the transformative power of shamanism and the intuitive wisdom of my horses?
Do you want to feel more love for who you are, your body, your life, your feelings and are you looking for a safe and supportive space where you can learn to be more loving and gentle towards yourself, with my horses and I as loving guides on your path?
Or do you feel the need for more love, understanding and harmony in your relationship, honouring and seeing both yourself and the other clearly, with eyes of love?
My horses and I guide you along your way
“As she held me tight and told me to surrender and to believe, that feeling never seemed to stop. As if this wasn’t enough we were suddenly guided and surrounded by the three horses and one came slowly by, touched my soul, kept me warm… No words to say the way love was so easy to feel and to receive… Thanks so much Helena for letting me be the one I need to be ♡”
Sandra dos Santos
Connect deeply with your Primal Power, with Mother Earth and your Soul Essence
“Diving deep into the core of mother earth and into myself softly guided by helena and her horses. encountering mysteries I don‘t understand, but that I know will unfold once I surrender to the not-wanting-to-solve. And still I came out of this experience with a sense of clarity and understanding that helped and healed me on my search for alignment. Trying to tend to these two apparent opponents, clarity and mystery, is like a gift that keeps on giving.”
Rosa Schützendorf