Healing with Horses, Soul and Nature

“As she held me tight and told me to surrender and to believe, that feeling never seemed to stop. As if this wasn’t enough we were suddenly guided and surrounded by the three horses and one came slowly by, touched my soul, kept me warm… No words to say the way love was so easy to feel and to receive… Thanks so much Helena for letting me be the one I need to be ♡”
Sandra dos Santos
“Diving deep into the core of mother earth and into myself softly guided by helena and her horses. encountering mysteries I don‘t understand, but that I know will unfold once I surrender to the not-wanting-to-solve. And still I came out of this experience with a sense of clarity and understanding that helped and healed me on my search for alignment. Trying to tend to these two apparent opponents, clarity and mystery, is like a gift that keeps on giving.”
Rosa Schützendorf

Reconnect with your Natural loving Self

and remember who you really are

The healing power of Healing with Horses and Soul in Nature

Horses have a way of opening our heart space in a very soft and sometimes confronting manner. They do this in a non judgemental, natural and loving way. When they connect with us humans they envelope us in their herd harmonising energy field. When I work with them, together, along with your allowing and your soul, we open the blocks and stagnant energy in your energy field (composed of thoughts/beliefs, emotions, body sensations…) and healing energy is able to enter more easily, strongly and flow. Nature and her energy has a soothing effect on the auric field and helps us to slow down and open up to messages and energy of the other realms.


Healing with Horses, Soul and Nature

An individual healing session with Horse, Nature and Soul energy.

Healing Power of Crystals and Horses

A healing process of wisdom, insight and healing with a Wisdom of the Stone People Oracle Reading and a Healing session with Horses, Soul and Nature.

Guided Healing Pathway

A guided individual journey of profound healing, consciousness and transformation over a period of three months.

Mini Retreat: Gentle Healing Frequencies of Horses, Soul and Nature

Half day retreat of healing, just for you

Relationship Healing with Horses

2 people in relationship with each other who want to connect more deeply and/or heal together.

Systemic Constellation with Horses

A small group experience for insight, clarity and consciousness.

” Sometimes you make a journey and sometimes a journey makes you. In het geval van de spirituele reis die ik dit najaar mocht maken met @helena.threehorseshealing, bijgestaan door haar drie paardengidsen Shamala, Amal en Lupe, was het een combinatie van beide. Hoe ouder ik word, hoe zekerder ik weet: er is geen demon waar je niet mee kunt dansen, er is geen trauma dat niet kan helen. You have to do the work. You have to dive deep. You have to let go of certain truths and be willing to accept new ones. You have to reconnect. All the power and wisdom you need is within.” Ellen Van Tichelt

Travel within in gentleness, to where you can safely shed your armor for protection, be vulnerable and heal. My horses and I help you with this. Horses are beings of the heart, of heart connection and pure, unconditional love.

Healing with Horses, Soul and Nature

Healing with Horses, Soul and Nature is an in-depth approach to therapy that focuses on healing and balancing a person’s inner world in relation to the outside world. This form of alternative therapy uses the energetic connection between human, horse and soul to facilitate healing transformations, in and with nature. It goes beyond just physical or emotional healing and focuses on restoring the connection between man and his deeper inner being: his natural, loving self.


I work together with my herd according to a self-developed way of working that bridges the principles of Equitherapy, Systemic practice and Constellations, Somatic healing, Soul Energy Work, Shamanic healing and Healing Hands with my three Medicine Horses.

Equitherapy provides insight into oneself with the help of horses. What may be unsconscious and hidden is brought to consciousness and highlighted by the horses. We feel into your body and your energy body as a whole and bring you back into connection with your Authentic Self, your Natural Loving Self. The healing energy channeled by my horses and I does not require physical interaction with horses (but can happen).

We begin the healing session with a shamanic journey in which the healing sounds of the drum beating and my voice chanting will take you deeper into your connection with your Self, Gaia and All that Is. The Spirit of Nature makes itself felt through the seasons; the rain, wind or snow; through the sun, moon and stars; through the horses and other animals that sometimes show themselves during a healing session, journey or retreat.

Our Healing practice is Spiritual, Energetic and Insightful.

Every session is unique and attuned to you and as shown to me by Gaia and my horses. The horses roam freely and choose to what extent they contribute to your healing. We follow the wisdom and path of the Medicine Horse.

The healing sessions with horses take place outside in a pasture.

Please contact a licensed psychiatrist, psychotherapist or other mental health expert in case of mental health problems.


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