I’ve come to realize that healing sessions and the process of integrating them have their own natural rhythm. In this grounding, new layers and insights gently emerge. I feel deeply called to share a moment from a soul horse healing session with you, as it not only brought me profound new understandings but also reminded me of the extraordinary magic horses carry when given the space to be fully themselves. The beautiful energy and ancient wisdom they hold, and the gift it is for both them and us when they share their gift, their full presence, with us. These remarkable horses are not simply placed in our path by chance; they are intricately woven into our journey, guiding us as we evolve.
With these sessions, we open doorways to the realm of the soul. We awaken forgotten connections and remember something that has always been there, waiting for us to rediscover. Every one of us on this beautiful Earth has the opportunity to open these sacred portals, to step into a life full of magic and fulfillment.
From the soul horse healing session…
We moved away from the horses and wandered a little further, settling on a bench covered in wild, overgrown plants. It felt like the perfect place. I shared with her the messages each of her horses had brought me, and as I spoke of each horse one by one, I noticed them looking up from afar, listening in with us. Gradually, we reached the point of our descent into the Earth, and suddenly, they were all around us, gathered by the bench. Magical.
I began the journey with her and her herd, and for the first time, I noticed the unique energy of this gathering of souls—and the difference from my own herd. I felt a transforming, prickly energy—loving, gentle, playful… Each of these horses, I could feel, contributed to this powerful and unique herd energy. Remarkable was the energy of the clan mother (as this mare called herself), who set the carrying tone. She, with her deep, mysterious, and transformative energy, holds this herd together. She, who had taken me on a journey in a vision where we galloped across the endless plains beneath the shimmering aurora borealis in the still of a night sky.
And so, in that moment, we all descended into the Earth together, this sacred herd surrounding us… Such a blessing.
– Excerpt from a Soulhorse Healing session, and also part of the Threehorseshealing Practioner Program to become a Healer with Horses, Soul and Nature –
Helena Sidiropoulos