Systemic Constellation & Healing with Horses (small group)

Systemic Constellation and Healing with Horses for a small group of 3 persons (2h30) – in and with nature

You are shown what is hidden within you. What occurs in your relationship is revealed. And healing begins.


Systemic Constellation and Healing with Horses

After an exploratory conversation and a shamanic journey to connect with your soul, we open your soul constellation together. We work with nature, the horses themselves, and everyone present. An energetic imprint of the system within which you function and which your issue concerns automatically arises: your family, business, friendship, partner relationship, even your body takes shape in the conscious field.
As soon as it has been seen and has received its place in our consciousness, the old transforms…
Horses respond immediately to the dynamics and patterns present in this system. They show where there is tension and make the invisible visible and clear to us. Together with them, we bring movement to what is stuck by feelin into with the places of those involved.

The horses walk around freely and choose to what extent and how they contribute during your constellation and what energy they channel. Because the interaction with horses takes place in freedom, the interactions are all the more powerful. Sometimes they are very close and sometimes they remain more in the background. No matter how they move in the field or choose to stand just outside it, it is right. I will interpret the messages and energy they show for you and translate them where necessary.


Horses are always looking for harmony and balance in their herd. From the moment we come together with the horses in the field of healing, we are energetically included in the herd and the horses begin to harmonize our energy. When we consciously allow that energy in, by opening ourselves to it, it empowers the harmonization process. This leads to a deeper connection with the horses and our authentic self, and provides deeper healing and mystical experiences.



For men and women who would like more clarity, insight and healing in their body,  life, work, business or relationships and who want to explore and enlighten an issue through the path of the horses and the revealing power of constellations.


Note that these constellations of soul are non traditional and intuitive.




Concrete information:

    • The interaction with horses takes place in freedom, next to the horses on the ground. The horses are not ridden.
    • You don’t need any experience with horses to experience this Constellation with Horses. You are guided step by step and messages and energy are translated for you.
    • This Constellation and Healing with Horses workshop (2u30) takes place outside in a meadow.
    • Investment in yourself 130 euro p.p.  (incl vat private person, excl vat professional)
    • This private workshop is for a small group of 3 persons that you bring together. Every person experiences a constellation/healing session with horses around their own issue. Every person participates  in the others’ sessions, through this you will also gain additional insights and healing for yourself.
    • This constellation and healing workshop is private and by appointment. Contact me to make your appointment.
    • Mentioned on the invoice: Coaching – Equine Assisted Systemic Workshop (seperate invoices possible)
    • After making your appointment, you will receive an email with more information about how to prepare for your constellation and location.x
    • If you rather experience an individual session, choose a Healing session with Horses, Soul and Nature


Contact a licensed psychiatrist or other mental health specialist if you have any mental health concerns. Soul Healing with Horses can complement other forms of therapy and coaching.  

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